St. Luke Christian Care TeamCare Team Members: Sharon Pagel, Courtney Meyer, Kristin Diercks, Jennifer Rehder, Grace Buck, Sue Majerus, Christie Hanson, Jolene Mann, Amy Jenson, Tiffany Gadient, Melanie Lodermeier & Jacki Ebner. If you would like to reach out to one of our care team members please feel free to at contact us at:
Email: Phone: 651-998-7106 Our next Christian Care Team meets once a month. Send an email to find out dates/times as they vary. All are welcome to join! |
Lifting Spirits |
Your Christian Care Team is available to lift you up in prayer after worship if needed. Please reach out to one of us after worship.
The Christian Care Team would love to hear your personal stories about the history at St. Luke Church. If you are willing to share your story contact a Care Committee member! We would like to put a personal story in the monthly newsletter. |
Our Activities |
Throughout the year our care team is busy with many activities including: Delivering gifts to high school seniors, shut-ins, elderly, the ill and more, delivering Easter baskets, hosting Bible Studies, serving and delivering meals, praying for you and checking in on St. Luke members with Care Calls and notes in the mail.